milberti and Cleveland and butterflies

Mark Walker mwalker at
Thu Jul 10 09:18:54 EDT 1997

DT wrote:

>Might someone on this board might be able and willing to help me out with
>some info? A friend and I are planning a weekend trip to Cleveland, Ohio.
>One of the places we are planning to go is the MetroParks Zoo. I was
>wondering if there were any good butterfly spots in the nearby MetroParks
>themselves (other than on elephant dung, that is <g>)? This is for
>watching and photography, not collecting. We'd be there mid-August, which
>would be good flight season I think....

>Also we're not familar with Cleveland and had to pick a reasonably priced
>convenient place to stay. We're considering the Fairfield Inn by Mariott
>in Brook Park. Is this a safe part of town?

>E-mail responses ok too! Thanks!

>DT (still hoping to photograph milberti this year....)

Sorry, can't help you with Cleveland (although I may be going there next
week myself).

Regarding milberti though, the species has alluded my net but I have
enjoyed watching it on several occasions in unexpected locations.  It is a
very beautiful butterfly.

The one I saw at Brainard Lake in the Rocky Mountains (about 10,000 feet in
elevation) in August 1996 was immaculate and very brightly colored, each
band being quite distinct from the others.  A missed photographic

Three weeks ago I saw one flying around an aluminum barn near where I live
in Vermont favoring dandelion blossoms (?).  I had a net handy, but it was
too smart for me.  It did keep coming back to it's apparently favorite
resting spot, however.  It would've been very easy to photograph (although
not as brightly colored as the one in the Rockies).  Guess I should invest
in some photography equipment.

Good luck!

Mark Walker
Castleton, Vermont.

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