Mercury vapor trap

Guy Bruyea bugguy at
Thu Jul 10 11:01:02 EDT 1997

On Wed, 09 Jul 1997 15:51:35 -0700, "Clyde\"the\"Guide"
<littlemalone at> wrote:

>I wander if some kind soul has time to inform me where I can obtain a
>Robinson (or any brand) of mercury vapor light trap. I constantly hear
>how effective they are, but I can find no source from which to purchase
>one. If there is no dealer for them, is there a way to build one? Any
>help is appreciated, and I thank you in advance.
>Doug Malone
>Amatuer Lepidopterist
>Elephant trainer
>Used coffin dealer

John Rose now offers excellent quality mercury-vapor light setups and
other entomological equipment such as nets, aspirators, etc.  He can
be reached at:

John Rose Engineering
17344 Eucalyptus Street, Unit B3
Hesperia, California 92345
(619) 244-7324

You can also visit his website at
(the mercury vapor setups have not been included at this site yet)

Good luck,

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