FWD: Silkworms, diet GEHP

Gordon Ramel bug.man at bbsrc.ac.uk
Sun Jul 20 10:27:41 EDT 1997

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               Yours Gratefully Gordon

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                 "felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas"  

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To: bugnet at ero.ent.iastate.edu
Subject: Silkworms, diet GEHP
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This message is from John Vesotzky <vesotzky at megaweb.co.za>, a Father from Krugersdotp, South Africa.

It is md-winter here. My daughter's silkworms are hatching and there are no mulberry leaves avaiable.
Two Questions:

1. Will keeping the eggs in a fridge retard hatching without     ruining the eggs?

2. Can one use alternatives such as beetroot leaves,     lettuce, cabbage, etc?

 Your help will be appreciated.

many thanks

John Vesotzky

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