
TeacherEd7 at aol.com TeacherEd7 at aol.com
Sun Jun 1 11:51:09 EDT 1997

In article < at mail.cosmosbbs.com>,
  tryznar at MAIL.COSMOSBBS.COM wrote:
> I am currently raising some cecropia moths. I have always read that they
> will never switch host plants once they start eating a particular food
> plant. Some of  them started feeding on poplar but all but 2 have now
> switched to apple. They are in their 2nd instar. Also it doesnt seem to
> matter which particular type of apple leaves are presented to them. They
> seem to switch easily from one type of apple leaf to another. Has anyone
> else every expierenced this type of behavior?  also I have read that they
> have a tendency to die when they go into their last instar when raised in
> captivity. anyone have any comments concerning this and how it could be
> prevented. thanks for your time.
>                                       Ted

Ted, I have tried to switch foodplants of H. Cecropia with no luck.
Larvae would not eat birch leaves after a few instars of feeding on wild
cherry.  But differnent apple leaves are all very similar.  That probably
explains what happened in your case.  I have heard of people having a lot
of trouble with their fifth instar cecropia larvae dying, though I have
never experienced this myself.	I have heard from others that these
larvae are very susceptible to disease in this instar.	It is said that
they should be given plenty of space.  This species should not be
crowded.  Hope that helps. Happy rearing, Ed Komperda

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