4 geat Chances to Win

csource csource at mercury.af2.com
Mon Jun 23 20:33:53 EDT 1997

The Contest Source has scoured the web in an attempt to let you in on the 
best giveaways on the Internet.  This month, we have selected sites that
are giving away valuable prizes to upgrade your computer.

Do you have a slow connection to the ‘Net.  Upgrade now to a U.S. Robotics
super speed 56.6 modem, register at:

With the increasing minimum system requirements for
entertainment and business software, you can always use some additional
RAM. For the opportunity to win up to 32MB of RAM every month go to

Getting poor video resolution on your computer.  Now is a great time to
upgrade to a Matrox Mystique 4MB Video Card at:

Do you have a slow connection to the ‘Net.  Upgrade now to a U.S. Robotics
super speed 56.6 modem, register at:

Finally, would you like to add a little color to your printer.  
If so, be sure to enter to win an HP DeskJet 400 high-quality
color graphics printer at http://www.pcagenet.com/prize3.htm

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Thank you for taking the time to read this introductory edition of The
Contest Source.  Your e-mail address was chosen because you have expressed 
an interest in the past to receive this type of information.  You will
not receive further editions of the bulletin unless you subscribe.
The subscription is FREE and can be obtained by sending a message to
subscribe at mercury.af2.com with "subscribe" as the subject line, 
no other information is needed.  

Thank You and Good Luck,

The Contest Source

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