Butterfly counts and money

Paul Opler Paul_Opler at nbs.gov
Tue Jun 24 15:43:20 EDT 1997

         Jim: The participant fee is in line and is even less than
         that charged by the Audubon Society for participation in the
         Christmas bird count. Quite simply, the money is used to
         defray the cost of the count publication. The money collected
         doesn't quite cover costs, but sales of the publication
         finish up the costs. It certainly not a profit-making
         activity. For further breakdown, you might write Jeff a note.

         This participant fee has nothing to do with collecting. As I
         understand it, NABA itself does not have a policy against
         collecting. If it did an avid collector such as myself would
         not be a NABA officer. Jeff has his own feelings on this
         topic but they should be put forward as a NABA policy [or
         legislative goal--which I've never heard of].

         I hope this helps.

         Paul Opler, Count Co-editor and NABA V.P.

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