entomological language

Neil Jones Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
Tue Jun 24 22:44:42 EDT 1997

In message <davidb-2708561337270001 at mac5966.uow.edu.au> davidb at uow.edu.au writes:
> In article <5obcea$jr4 at newssvr02-int.news.prodigy.com>,
> MYTZ14A at prodigy.com (Sally Levinson) wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > What is the plural of chrysalis?  How do you pronounce it?
> >
> > Sally
> pupae :-)
> --
> David R. Britton, Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong
> Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 2522.
> Ph.(61-42) 21 3436,Fax.(61-42) 21 4135

David Britton's humour actually strikes a chord with me.
I have seen people using this as the plural before due to uncertainty as to 
what is the proper plural of chrysalis.
The trouble is that, at least according to the Oxfoed English Dictionary,
there are three different forms of the plural of chrysalis.
Chrisalides (KRIS-ALIDEES) Chrysalids ( KRIS ALIDS) and Chrysalises
The first , I believe, being the original greek plural as the word derives from
the greek for golden.  I have seen all three in publications.

Neil Jones- Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk "The beauty and genius of a work of art
may be reconceived, though its first material expression be destroyed; a
vanished harmony may yet again inspire the composer; but when the last
individual of a race of living things breathes no more another heaven and
another earth must pass before such a one can be again." William Beebe

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