Butterfly counts and money

aa051 at chebucto.ns.ca aa051 at chebucto.ns.ca
Wed Jun 25 08:50:29 EDT 1997

msa at anise.tte.vtt.fi (Markku Savela) writes:

> This thread makes me wonder what these "butterfly counts" are! My
> impression was, that they were for getting people to volunteer their
> own time and resources to freely provide scientific information,
> instead of "circus events" for which you pay to attend.
> Must be some misunderstanding? I hope the fee is only, if you take
> part in guided event, to cover some immediate costs for the
> arrangements?
> I assume you can always "do the count" on your own. Would be rather
> silly for NABA or AUBUDON to refuse information with comment "You
> didn't pay the reporting fee, we don't accept your free
> information!!!"

and Paul_Opler at NBS.GOV (Paul Opler) [Count Co-editor and NABA V.P.]

> Jim: The participant fee is in line and is even less than
> that charged by the Audubon Society for participation in the
> Christmas bird count. Quite simply, the money is used to
> defray the cost of the count publication. The money collected
> doesn't quite cover costs, but sales of the publication
> finish up the costs. It certainly not a profit-making
> activity. For further breakdown, you might write Jeff a note.

My information may not be quite current but I recall the time when the
Audubon Society began to charge participant fees' to defray publication
costs. As I recall they will gladly accept the results of your count (for
purposes of data analysis - which is hopefully what this exercise is all
about) even if no fees are remitted, simply that the results will not be
printed in the National Audubon journal.

Perhaps, if it does not already have such a policy in place, the NABA
might consider doing so, so as not to exclude those who may not be able
to round up the resources.  Perhaps the arrangement could be that only the
names of those participants who remitted the fee would be published. Thus
if you are concerned about the vanity of having your name appear in the
publication, you can ante up the $3 fee to help put it there!



Christopher Majka
| Christopher Majka - Editor-in-Chief: Chebucto Community Net              |
| Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada  |  also Editor: Culture & Philosophy       |
| URL: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Culture.html EMail <aa051 at chebucto.ns.ca  |

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