specimen repair

Jim Taylor 1_iron at msn.com
Thu May 1 17:25:45 EDT 1997


My boards are surfaced with balsa wood, and I use small pins with colored 
heads to position and hold the wings UNDER strips of tracing paper.  A pad of 
paper can be cut with a lino knife the appropriate width, and you can see what 
you are doing.  I need to credit Charlie Covell with this technique.

I don't use Elmer's glue for repairs - I use clear nail polish.  It dries fast 
and is virtually invisible.   I don't have a solution for wings - I hope 
someone does.  As to pinning dried specimens: after one bad experience I take 
pins with me and pin immediately.  You can relax and spread much later, but 
getting a pin in a month-old specimen is beyond my clumsy abilities.

Jim Taylor

From: 	owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu on behalf of Mike Soukup
Sent: 	Thursday, May 01, 1997 9:12 AM
To: 	Leps-L
Subject: 	specimen repair

Hi everybody,

	I would like to write an article on "specimen repair" (Lepidoptera).  I
am looking for any techniques you "professionals" use to fix the
inevitable damage that occurs.  Sure, EVEN I can re-attach a wing with
elmers glue.  But, does anyone have any techniques for:

Fixing antennae broken "halfway",
torn wings (especially where the tear is TOTALLY separated.
removing "the greasies" (although I know this has been covered recently)

even "mounting tips" such as "how to get a pin through a dried micro
geometer or Lithosiinae without COMPLETELY destroying it (I could use

and WHAT do you use for mounting boards, pinning strips, even prefferred

You can send responses to me directly at mikayak at ix.netcom.com  OR,
share them here - it IS good info after all!!!

Thanks ALOT everyone!!
Mike Soukup
mikayak at ix.netcom.com

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