
David R. Britton davidb at
Tue May 20 03:03:38 EDT 1997

In article <970519193213_1357638379 at>,
Jungletour at AOL.COM wrote:

> I have worked extensively with different baits for attracting butterflies in
> the South American tropics but I have only used a white sheet and mercury
> vapor light for attracting moths. Is the sugaring mixture used in conjunction
> with a black/mercury vapor light and how is it best applied?
> Also, the recipes mentioned in recent posts appear to contain excellent
> ingredients for attracting neotropical butterflies. Have you used either of
> these baits for this purpose? Are beetles attracted to the baits as well?
> I will be leading a group of people to the Peruvian Amazon on a natural
> history tour and as one of the many interesting activities, I would like to
> get the group involved in utilizing a variety of baits and we will be keeping
> detailed records on the insect activity at each baiting site. For anyone
> interested on joining along on this eco-adventure, please contact me directly
> for more information. We will be departing for Iquitos Peru on September 13th
> and you have the option of returning on the 20th or 27th.
> Jim Hanlon
> Rainforest Adventures
> 10603 Rose Avenue
> Los Angeles, CA 90034
> Tel/Fax:  (310) 839-1504
> E-Mail:  Jungletour at

This reminds me of the rather nauseous baits used by some coleopterists
which include the excrement of animals, including that of the two-legged
variety.  At least it is easy to obtain, but who gets to clean the traps!

Dave B.

David R. Britton, Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong
Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 2522.
Ph.(61-42) 21 3436,Fax.(61-42) 21 4135

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