FWD: gypsy moth caterpillar cocoon gestation GEHP
Gordon Ramel
bug.man at bbsrc.ac.uk
Tue May 27 07:41:24 EDT 1997
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Received: by X.400 UK.AC. .GB; Sat May 24 02:41:23 1997
From: soldworldwideinternet at MSN.com
To: bugnet at ero.ent.iastate.edu
Subject: gypsy moth caterpillar cocoon gestation GEHP
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This message is from Julia May Askin, age 6 <soldworldwideinternet at MSN.com>, a student from Westchester County, New York, USA.
How long will my pet gypsy moth caterpillars remain in the cocoons they spun this week (5/20-23/97) and what should I feed them when they come out of their cocoons?
Thank you for your response.
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