FWD: lep info
Gordon Ramel
gordon.ramel at bbsrc.ac.uk
Tue May 27 07:57:01 EDT 1997
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Subject: lep info
Message-ID: <696766F4CB2(a)epjh.ednet.ns.ca*@MHS>
From: BRIDGED at epjh.ednet.ns.ca
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Comments: EDnet - Nova Scotia's Regional Education Network
Hi Gordon,
My wife and I will be travelling to Guisborough, Cleveland in the
North East of England from July 8-30.
I'm writing you asking for any info ie butterfly houses in that area
What species of butterfly or moth would one be on the look out for
there that time of the summer.?
We may be doing a side trip to the LakeDistrict - would there be
anything to be on the lookout for there.
I have corresponded with you in the past and you were very helpful
with my inquiries. We live in Halifax , Nova scotia Can.
I would appreciate any info that you could pass on to us as it would
very helpful.
Thanking you in advance.
Cheers ,
Derek Bridgehouse
PS. My grandmother was from Plymouth and my grandfather from
Weymouth and i myself have visited the south of england - it is truly
beautiful country down where you are .
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