I may have changed your perspective !

Cain cain at one.net
Wed Nov 5 23:19:31 EST 1997

The URL needs one more character to function.  Try:
(adding a '/' after .net


J W wrote:
> >From either of three of my perspectives,  all appeared to be in order
> as straight forward plain text,  but to the lady in Tennessee,  the
> first seven sections of my new page was 'hieroglyphics'.  She
> questioned whether the strange 'coding' was supposed to be bird songs.
> We each began to suspect that the other was playing a game,  via our
> email ping-pong claims of,  'is not !' - 'is too !',  concerning the
> text.  I inquired of others and,  to my chagrin,  determined that the
> report had been correct.  I then changed the text-style from 'marlett'
> to 'varied width',  for the seven sections,  and have confirmed that
> the results is now plain text for all viewers.
> I re-invite you to peruse URL:  http://www.ols.net~dl4/
> (Note: a lower-case "L" before the "4").
> I may have changed your perspective !
> 'JW' - BoaF

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