New Monarch Butterfly Documentary

donald.davis at donald.davis at
Fri Nov 7 19:18:26 EST 1997

The new monarch butterfly documentary, "MONARCH - BUTTERFLY BEYOND
BORDERS" airs on the Canadian version of The Discovery Channel on Sunday,
December 7/97 at 9 pm, again on Monday morning at 1 pm and possibly again
the following Sunday, December 14th about 5 pm (all times Eastern
Standard Time).

Copies of the video may be purchased after the airing in Canada from
Asterisk Productions of Victoria, B.C. (asterisk at Asterisk
also has made arrangements for the sale and distribution of this video in
the United States. It is for sale in the U.S. now.

There will be a special airing next week in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico
during the International Conference on the Monarch Butterfly.

Don Davis
Toronto, ON

(Morelia bound!)

donald_davis at

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