Colour Identification Guide to Caterpillars - UK

Tony Prichard tonyp at
Tue Nov 18 02:24:56 EST 1997


I have just got my hands on the new companion volume to Skinner's Colour
Identification Guide to Moths.

I have only had a quick look through but even after that I am impressed
by the quality of the book.

The book follows the same format as Skinner with text accounts of each
species in the first part of the book and all the colour plates of the
larvae at the back.  The species accounts expand on the information
presented in Skinner and are biased towards the larval stage as is to be
expected.  The pictures of the larvae are photographs of what I consider
to be very good quality.  Where applicable the photos show different
colour variations in the larvae or differences between early and late

Virtually all macro-moths and butterfly larvae in the UK are covered.
The author has not been able to obtain photos for all the larvae and
there is a list of about 7-8 at the front of the book that they are
still looking for.

This looks to become another standard textbook on the subject.

The book is 40 and published by Viking Press.  It is available from the
Natural History Book Store ( and also
Waterstones bookstores.

Tony Prichard

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