hesperia "comma"

Norbert Kondla NKONDLA at MFOR01.FOR.GOV.BC.CA
Wed Nov 19 15:43:10 EST 1997

To: LEPS-L  --INTERNET leps-l at lists.yale.

i would welcome direct communication from anyone who might be doing any
taxonomic work (or knows someone who is) on the hesperia 'comma' complex in
western north america. also even after 26 years of butterfly study i confess
to being unclear as to how to differentiate assiniboia from harpalus so would
welcome any tips in this regard.

Norbert Kondla  P.Biol., RPBio.
Forest Ecosystem Specialist, Arrow Forest District
Phone 250-365-8668; Internet nkondla at mfor01.for.gov.bc.ca

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