(Fwd) SBSP Scientific Spelling Checker

SBSP sbsp at aol.com
Mon Nov 17 12:36:19 EST 1997

DearMr. Coombes:

Please do not think we were copying your idea of producing lexicon files; we
 did not know you were doing it.

In fact, LepiLexi is just a North American butterfly version of our BirdLexi,
 which contains words taken from the scientific names of every one of the 9700+
 bird species. We published the first version of BirdLexi about six years ago
 (it is updated annually).

I might also mention that we sell BirdLexi for US$49.95, whereas LepiLexi is

Please visit our Web site


where you will find a description of BirdLexi, LepiLexi, and our new program

Sincerely yours,

Robert Eisberg
Santa Barbara Software Products

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