usfws regulation question
Kenelm Philip
fnkwp at
Sun Nov 23 17:29:53 EST 1997
Eric Metzler stated:
>Insects that you carry on your person (or in your luggage) are not
>considered a shipment, and they may be carried freely as long as they
>were legally obtained.
It's not quite that simple. I have not yet seen the current version
of 50 CFR 14, but in the 1987 version the following exception to import
declaration requirements is given:
"(b) Except for wildlife requiring a permit pursuant to Part 16, 17, 18, 21,
or 23 of this subchapter B, a Declaration for Importation or Exportation
of Fish or Wildlife (Form 3-177) does not need to be filed for importation
of the following:
(3) WIldlife products or manufactured articles which are not intended
for sale and are worn as clothing or contained in accompanying personal
I doubt that scientific insect specimens would be considered
wildlife _products_. A plastic tray containing laminated butterflies
presumably would. :-)
Furthermore, part (c) of the same section says:
"(c) General declarations for certain specimens. Notwithstanding the prov-
isions of [section] 14.61, scientific specimens imported for scientific
institutions for taxonomic of faunal survey purposes may be described in
general terms on the Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or
Wildlife (Form 3-177), provided an amended Form 3-177 specifically describ-
ing the wildlife imported is submitted to the Service within 180 days after
the filing of the general declaration...."
All the times that I have crossed the US border from the Yukon to
Alaska carrying insect specimens in my 'personal baggage' I have been re-
quired by the Fairbanks office of the F&WS (enforcement) to file Form
Ken Philip
fnkwp at
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