For sale: Luna cocoons

Dr. James Adams JADAMS at
Fri Oct 3 12:06:04 EDT 1997

DEar Listers,

    I truly hate most commercialism when it comes to leps.  I have 
reared this species more times than I can remember, and have provided 
eggs/larvae/cocoons free of charge to plenty of people in my 
lifetime.  And, as has already been hashed out, luna moths are 
certainly *not* endangered; indeed they are one of the most common 
eastern saturniids.  $3.00 a piece is way too much to pay for this 
species as far as I'm concerned.  For those of you who really need 
luna moths, feel free to ask for eggs of luna moths next year so you 
can rear your own, and I will do what I can.  Please be aware that if 
I get a tremendous number of requests, I will only be able to fill a 
few of them.  I have limits and so do the luna moths!!

    James Adams

> I have 20 luna cocoons to sale for 80.00 Can. dollars or 60.00 U.S.
> Thanks
> Patrick Marceau
> pmarceau at

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