FWD: swallowtail butterflies GEHP
Gordon Ramel
bug.man at bbsrc.ac.uk
Mon Oct 6 06:41:41 EDT 1997
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To: bugnet at ero.ent.iastate.edu
Subject: swallowtail butterflies GEHP
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From: khammer at den.k12.de.us
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This message is from Karen Hammer <khammer at den.k12.de.us>, a second grade teacher from Dover Delaware.
Our first unit is on insects. We are participating in the Monarch Watch program. One of the children brought in a swallowtail butterfly.. I determined that parsley was its host plant and it eventually formed a chrysalis. Could you help us with an approximate time that the adult will emerge from the chrysalis? Two weeks..a month.. next spring..Is there any special care or conditions I should try to create or maintain?
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