Holly Blue parasite.

Chris Raper triocomp at dial.pipex.com
Tue Oct 14 08:02:15 EDT 1997

On Tue, 14 Oct 97 8:47:59 BST, Andrew Daw <andrewd at REDAC.CO.UK> wrote:

>... "The Butterflies of Britain & Ireland" by
>Jeremy Thomas and Richard Lewington. { Why this book is no longer in
>print when it is the best book I know on the UK butterflies ? }

I'll second that - a fellow Lepidopterist & I were morning its loss a
few days ago.  :-(

When the book _was_ in print it seemed to have a very patchy release
and mainly in 'National Trust' shops - which is the obvious place to
go hunting for good Entomological literature ;-)

Chris R.

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