Holly Blue parasite.
kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
Wed Oct 15 09:08:06 EDT 1997
Chris Raper & others wrote:
> >... "The Butterflies of Britain & Ireland" by
> >Jeremy Thomas and Richard Lewington. { Why this book is no longer in
> >print when it is the best book I know on the UK butterflies ? }
> I'll second that - a fellow Lepidopterist & I were morning its loss a
> few days ago. :-(
> When the book _was_ in print it seemed to have a very patchy release
> and mainly in 'National Trust' shops - which is the obvious place to
> go hunting for good Entomological literature ;-)
If you're looking for a copy, you could try Pemberly Books or
E.W.Classey, whose addresses are usually advertised in the U.K.
entomology literature (sometinmes also in British Wildlife or in B.B.C.
Wildlife), or the second-hand bookdealers based in Hay-on-Wye: several
have natural history sections and C.Arden specialises in natural history
(they're next to the Cinema Bookshop) and also produce a catalogue.
These stories remind me that if I see a book I think I'll need or like,
that it's best to buy it on the spot, as one never knows if it's going
to be there next time. This is especially true in Hong Kong, where, on
several occasions, I've made the mistake of waiting, only to find the
shop has sold out.
As for the Holly Blue and is parasite - I guess the cycle will carry on
over the years. I remember a talk given by Tina Yates, who researched
this relationship. Some areas of the U.K. (e.g. the Lake District)
seemed to have much more stable populations, suggesting that there were
very few or no parasites there. She aslo commented on the asynchronicty
of the cycle when viewed at athe national scale - this seems to have
been mirrored by some of the previous comments on this topic.
PhD student & Demonstrator, Dept of Ecology & Biodiversity
The University of Hong Kong
fax: (852) 24885285
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The University of Hong Kong
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