the 11th commandment

butrfly at butrfly at
Tue Oct 14 09:34:37 EDT 1997

To All,
	Before Mr. Flannder descends from the mountain with the 11th 
commandment regarding releasing butterflies, I would like to make a 
statement. First of all, talk about a dog fight. I thought we where
going to need a dumpster for all the bitten off ears from this fight.
	The best advise came from Dr. Adams. We all need to lighten up a 
bit and forget the chest beating. The second best advise came from Harry
who said it was better to DIRECT from within rather and complain from the 
outside. It was mentioned that what the world does not need is another
FEDERATION. However, what we do need is an organization that monitor 
the ranks to comply with all USDA restrictions. 
	I agree with the present USDA regulations and would not mind 
seeing them a little stricter. Not to stop releases, but to monitor them 
more closely and and limit the area of transport. For now the USDA will 
only allow 6 species to be moved for release. Of those only four will 
actually work for releases. Two of those (Gulf Frit and Zebra longwing)
 I feel should not be released in Northern States for obvious reasons.
Far too many people think that releasers are grabbing up any species 
found in the field and releasing them any where. That is simply not true.
Many feel the farmer release sick butterflies. That is not true. As any 
farmer knows, you see one sign of sickness and the larvae are gone.
Otherwise your entire stock is wiped out.
	I feel releases should go on but under tighter controls. At the 
Butterfly Web Site we refuse to release clients info to breeders unless 
they can prove they are permitted for that region. We hope it works or at 
the very least helps. 
	Many people may disagree with the IFBE. But it is a step in the 
right direction. Grant the handshake needs some work, but the idea is 
good. So I, like Harry, would like to direct from within.
	So as the great one descends from the mountain (BOB-don't get too 
close to that burning bush) I await the 11th commandment and will be 
happy to live by it. Thank you to all for your time.

Rick Mikula

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