FWD: caterpillar GEHP
Gordon Ramel
bug.man at bbsrc.ac.uk
Wed Oct 15 04:51:38 EDT 1997
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To: bugnet at ero.ent.iastate.edu
Subject: caterpillar GEHP
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This message is from Shari <TNLoon at aol.com>, a mom from Tennessee.
I would appreciate help in identifying a caterpillar we found in our garage. It's about 1 1/2 inches long and fat covered with fairly long prickly "hairs". When it curled into a ball you could see red orange stripes going around it. My girls took it to school and wanted more info on what it is and how to take care of it or where to release it for their class. We'd appreciate any information you could give us, but if we had the name we could do some more research ourselves. Thank you for your time and sharing your expertise! Shari
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