Chiricahua Whites (Neophasia terlootii) In Southeast Arizona

Hank Brodkin hankb at
Fri Oct 17 19:10:38 EDT 1997

Today on our butterfly survey in the Ramsey Canyon Preserve in the
Huachuca Mountains in Cochise County Arizona there was a good flight of
Chiricahua Whites with dozens, both the white and black males and the
orange and black females, being seen.  One male was also seen earlier in
the AM on Stump Canyon Road in the southern part of the range.
I assume that this down canyon movement is a post-breeding dispersal as
these elevations do not support any significant pine growth.  Pines are
prevelant at higher elevations in the Huachucas.
Other butterflies in good numbers include Mexican Yellows (Eurema
mexicanum), Tailed Oranges (E. proterpia), Red Admirals (Vanessa
atalanta),  Sisters (Adelpha bredowii) and Nabakov's Satyrs (Cyllopsis
pyracmon) as well as a few Satyr Commas (Polygonia satyrus).  Fred: we
also had a glimpse of  an Agathymus sp..

  Hank Brodkin, Nicksville, AZ
              31.44 Degrees N, 110.23 Degrees W
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