bug control in collections.

GGANWEILER gganweiler at aol.com
Mon Oct 20 21:23:51 EDT 1997

I think living here in Canada - a dry climate and frozen solid for 11 months of
 the year (just kidding) we have less problem with the many "vermin" (garbage
 recyclers ?) that love to reduce dried insect specimens to little piles of

I have had only the very infrequent and minor visitation by dermestids over the
 years, usually aftger incorporating specimens exchanged from juicier climates.

I us NO insect control of any type, and have almost no problem.  I suspect my
 method of storing may contribute to this.  I use boxes the dimension of
 Cornell drawers, but with hardboard tops and bottoms -with a fairly tight
 seal.  Made by a cabinet maker friend some time back.  I am wondering if my
 good fortune is not in large part due to the fact these are made of Western
 Red Cedar.  I believe Cedar Chests were lines with - cedar - the scent which
 either repels or otherwise discourages "destructive" insects from entering.
 Do these pests locate their feed by scent?

Whatever, it works well for me, and might be worth trying elsewhere.  Ta ta.

Gary Anweiler

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