
Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Sun Oct 26 17:10:17 EST 1997

Dr. James Adams wrote:
> Listers,
>     I think most entomologists are aware of the fact that *true* bugs
> (sensu stricto) are Heteroptera (or Hemiptera, depending on your
> classification scheme), but I am also almost certain that all of us
> talk or have talked about the "bugs" (sensu lato) that we work on.  I
> just wanted to put in my two cents worth about Ernst's comment to
> Sarah.  I personally think it is appropriate for a grade-schooler to
> use the term bug however she wants to (I know *I* do!).
>     James

in this context one may extend the term to spiders, millipedes and the 
like, perhaps smallish tree frogs if imperfectly discerned ... certainly 
tadpoles, efts and newts. 
this is ok if you're a lumper.
splitters don't like it. 
the term is best used in the sentence "I just love all kinds of bugs."
it may also be encountered in the phrase "My sister hates bugs. Does 
this kind bite?" 
i would be grateful, further, if we could just let the ignorant public 
call chrysalids cocoons. i believe we have lost that one. 
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

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