
Kenelm Philip fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu
Mon Oct 27 02:42:25 EST 1997

	Anne Kilmer noted:

<in this context one may extend the term to spiders, millipedes and the
<like, perhaps smallish tree frogs if imperfectly discerned ... certainly
<tadpoles, efts and newts.

I can't help but mention the remark (given in Holland's 'Butterfly Book')
that a ticket agent for a British railway made to Frank Buckland when he
returned from France with a monkey and a tortoise. When Buckland was told
the monkey would go at half fare, because the railroad charged half fare
for dogs, he showed the agent the tortoise. "We don't charge nothin' for
them; them's insects."
	This incident must have been behind the lines in Punch magazine
that ran something like:

	"Pigs is dogs, and monkeys is dogs, but turtles is insects and
goes free."

							Ken Philip
fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu

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