UK butterflies

Andrew Daw andrewd at
Mon Sep 1 10:53:13 EDT 1997

Until about last weekend there did appear to be a low number of Small
Tortoiseshells around in the UK:

I noticed a large number of Small Tortoiseshells and Small Whites when
I visited Dawlish Warren (Devon) on the bank holiday Monday (25th August).

This weekend I counted a maximum of 22 Small Tortoiseshell at any one time
on the buddleia bush in my parents back garden (Bristol).  They also seemed
quite content to hang around in conditions that I thought were a bit rough -
Strong winds and occasional showers.

> I would like to concur, loads of STs out this weekend in Devon I counted 7 on
> 10 feet of wall space sunning the other day as well
>                    Yours Gratefully Gordon
>         <G.J.L.Ramel at or Gordon.Ramel at>
>         <>
>         < Phone work = +44 (0)1837 82558 ext. 173>
>         < Fax work = +44 (0)1837 82139>
>         < c/of I.G.E.R. North Wyke, Devon, England.  EX20 2SB.> 
>                   Children are the guardians of the future,  
>      knowledge should neither be inflicted on, nor withheld from them.   
>                  "felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas"  
> I have been noticing all season that relatively few Small Tortoiseshell
> (Aglais urticae~) butterflies have been around. Yesterday however
> I observed around 17 feeding on several clumps of Sedum spectabile in a
> sunurban roadside garden in Neath, South Wales.
> This was a great thing to see.
> - --
> Neil Jones- Neil at "The beauty and genius of a work of art
> may be reconceived, though its first material expression be destroyed; a
> vanished harmony may yet again inspire the composer; but when the last
> individual of a race of living things breathes no more another heaven and
> another earth must pass before such a one can be again." William Beebe

* Andrew Daw                   tel  :  (+44) 1684 294161 ext. 306 *
* Redac Systems Ltd.,          email:  andrewd at        *
* Green Lane,                  Web  :     *
* Tewkesbury,                                                     *
* Gloucestershire GL20 8HE                                        *

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