Endangered species and Park

Paul Opler Paul_Opler at nbs.gov
Wed Sep 3 15:59:39 EDT 1997

     Bruce: To my knowledge only two listed butterflies are resident on 
     National Park Service units. Of course other Federally listed species 
     occur on other Federal lands.
     1. Schaus swallowtail, Papilio aristodemus ponceanus: Biscayne 
     National Park.
     2. Myrtle's silverspot, Speyeria zerene myrtleae: Pt. Reyes National 
     Other butterflies have their type localities or the majority of their 
     distributions within some National Park Service units. 
     Paul Opler, Biological Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Endangered species and Park
Author:  bruce_walsh at TIKAL.BIOSCI.ARIZONA.EDU at NBS-Internet-Gateway
Date:    9/3/97 9:48 AM

                       Subject:                               Time:9:43 AM
  OFFICE MEMO          Endangered species and Parks           Date:9/3/97
Just a quick question:
Does anyone know of ANY endangered/threatened butterflies in a (US) national 
The only one that comes to mind is Schautz's swallowtail on one of the Florida 
Keys that is a National Monument.
Please reply to the list, so that we can have a definite list for all 
Bruce Walsh

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