More on Mr. T (bflying in parks)

Neil Jones Neil at
Fri Sep 5 02:57:24 EDT 1997

In message <199709042357.TAA04496 at> mwalker at writes:
> >      Mark, I'm sorry you feel that way, but do'nt kill the messenger. Write 
> >      to your congressperson, vote for the right candidates, and let the 
> >      National Park Service know how you feel. You might also write letters 
> >      to the newspapers and reporters who blew this all out of proportion. 
> >      Paul Opler
> Thanks again, Paul.  I just reviewed some of my posts from earlier collecting
> debate threads on Neil Jones' Web page, and I can see that I'm a little
> redundant.  Consistent, but redundant.
> Still, it's better to engage in dialogue than to keep our ideas encapsulated.
> My level of frustration has finally eclipsed to the point of action.  The
> dialogue, for now, can chill.
> Mark Walker.

This is a prime example of how encouraging collecting is bad for the
conservation of habitats. Anyone knowing the politics of conservation in the
US will know that the politicians you would be supporting would tend to be
those who would oppose the legislation which protects endangered species.

I would hate to see a golf course built on the habitat of the El Segundo
Blue.( An endangered species) If you get the _wrong_ politicians
the Endangered Species Act will be neutered and the habitat will be destroyed.

My feelings on this are expressed in my signature text.

I do not wish to see collecting banned but encouraging collecting encourages
the wrong attitude to conservation. 

Neil Jones- Neil at "The beauty and genius of a work of art
may be reconceived, though its first material expression be destroyed; a
vanished harmony may yet again inspire the composer; but when the last
individual of a race of living things breathes no more another heaven and
another earth must pass before such a one can be again." William Beebe

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