Collecting Debate

Dave Chesmore E.D.Chesmore at
Fri Sep 5 05:23:48 EDT 1997

Is it possible to look at the collecting debate in terms of the actual 
number of collectors?

It seems to me that the problem is overstated and the vast 
majority of the public have no concern or interest whatsoever.   Are 
there any realistic estimates of amateur/professional collectors of 
any insects?

I personally know very few Lepidoptera collectors - we go to various 
sites (with permission!) to operate lights for moth surveys and 
virtually all specimens collected are for identification purposes.

Referring to an earlier message, I said that I often put my net away 
when people are around.  I have found that peoples' reactions are 
different if I say I am studying butterflies or moths, moths being OK.  I 
think there is a very biassed view put about by green activists and 
environmentalists.  I have also noticed that many professionals are 
continually astounded by my stories about reactions from some 

(To Neil Jones:  I looked at your web page on the collecting debate.  I 
hope you put as many opinions as possible on the page, including 
Tom Kral's)

Dr David Chesmore, FRES
Environmental Electronics Research Group
Dept. of Electronic Engineering
University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX
Tel: +482 465062;  Fax: +482 466664
Email:  E.D.Chesmore at E-Eng.Hull.AC.UK
Web page:

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