suppliers for monarch livestock

Felix Sperling sperling at
Thu Sep 11 18:18:43 EDT 1997

       One of my son's primary school teachers in Berkeley has
asked me to find out where she can get livestock of monarchs so
she can rear some through this fall. Apparently her usual
supplier in Oregon is now out of business.

        For those of you who don't know the San Francisco Bay
area, we have about 6 weeks of the warmest weather of the year
coming up. However, I would strongly prefer to be able to find
the name of a supplier from northern California, to reduce any
mixing of gene pools.

        Does anyone know a suitable source?


 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 Felix Sperling                   office: 510 642 4296
 Assistant Professor              lab:    510 642 7410
 201 Wellman Hall                 fax:    510 642 7428
 ESPM - Insect Biology
 University of California         sperling at
 Berkeley,  CA  94720-3112

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