Tersa Sphinx

Pierre Zagatti zagatti at versailles.inra.fr
Wed Sep 17 10:41:51 EDT 1997

Ted Ryznar wrote:
> I caught a Tersa sphinx(Xylophanes tersa) at the light last night. Is
> anyone familiar with their host plants? Covells book states Manettia
> species, smooth buttonplant and starclusters. I have not been able to find
> any reference to these in the plant books that I have available. I live in
> Northwestern Pa and have never seen or heard of any of the listed host
> plants. I think the 4- wheelers killed them all(just kidding). Any other
> known host plants? Are these very common in other areas? Also , although it
> is probably a male is there an easy way to tell the sex of these sphinx.
> The body is very long and slender coming down to a point. Thanks in
> advance. A very beautiful moth.
>                                       Ted Ryznar
>                                       tryznar at mail.cosmosbbs.com

You'll find a web page on Xylophanes tersa at:
The larvae can be found on Rubiaceae. As they occur thoughout Americas,
the host plant vary considerably with the latitude.

Pierre Zagatti
INRA Phytopharmacie et Mediateurs Chimiques
78026 Versailles Cedex
zagatti at versailles.inra.fr

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