Tersa Sphinx

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Wed Sep 17 07:35:15 EDT 1997

Ted Ryznar wrote:
> I caught a Tersa sphinx(Xylophanes tersa) at the light last night. Is
> anyone familiar with their host plants? Covells book states Manettia
> species, smooth buttonplant and starclusters. I have not been able to find
> any reference to these in the plant books that I have available. I live in
> Northwestern Pa and have never seen or heard of any of the listed host
> plants. I think the 4- wheelers killed them all(just kidding). Any other
> known host plants? Are these very common in other areas? Also , although it
> is probably a male is there an easy way to tell the sex of these sphinx.
> The body is very long and slender coming down to a point. Thanks in
> advance. A very beautiful moth.
>                                       Ted Ryznar
>                                       tryznar at mail.cosmosbbs.com

Pentas. Butterfly gardeners all plant pentas in my neck of the woods. 
That sphinx just inhales the bush, but it grows back. Starclusters is 
pentas. A singular flower (people keep removing that terminal s, but 
they shouldn't.)
Northerners use it as an annual. 
caterpillar makes a great pet for children, will endure considerable 
petting and survive. 
Anne Kilmer

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