Entomological meetings in Europe 1997

Mario De Cleen mdecleen at innet.be
Wed Sep 17 18:15:17 EDT 1997

E N T O M O L O G I C A L     M E E T I N G S 
I N    E U R O P E           -           1    9    9    7
For collectors, breeders and other insect enthousiasts..
JANUARY 19, 1997 (Ingolstadt / Germany)
Aula der BS II, Am Bruckenkopf 1
Reservation: Bioform-Handelsgesellschaft, Meiser & Co.,
Bittlmairstrasse 4, D-85051 Ingolstadt, Deutschland
FEBRUARY 14-15-16,1997 ( Angers / France )
Reservation: SIRIA, 11 rue Yvonne, F-49100 Angers, France, Phone/Fax: +33 2
41 34 38 77
MARCH 1 - 2, 1997 ( Prague / Czech Republik )
Internationale Insektenbörse Prag 1997
Nàrodni dùm - UKDZ, Namesti Miru, No, 9 Praha 2, Czech republik
Metro line A; Station Námestí Míru or Tram Number 4, 6, 16, 22
March 1th, 1997 from 10.00am to 17.00pm.
March 2nd, 1997 from 08.00am to 13.00pm.
Reservation: ENTO-TERA,Vladislav Maly & Co.,
P.O. Box 27, 128 00 Praha 2, Czech Republik, Phone +42 2 293674
MARCH  9, 1997 ( Braunschweig / Germany )
Heinrich Jasper Haus, Tostmannplatz 12 , Braunschweig, Deutschland
March 9th, 1997 from 09.00am to 15.00pm. 
Reservation : (until March 3th) Werner Bruer, Howaldstr. 12, D-38102
Braunschweig, Deutschland 
MARCH  22, 1997 ( Esslingen, Berkheim / Germany )
Osterfeldhalle statt, Esslingen - Berkheim
March 22nd, 1997 from 08.30am to 14.00pm.
Reservation : M. Landt, Gabelsberger Str. 36a, D- 70199 Stuttgart, Deutschland
Fax: +49 (0)711  6402818
APRIL  6, 1997 ( München / Germany ) 
Kolpinghaus St. Theresia, Hanebergstr. 8, D-80637 München, Deutschland
April 6th, 1997 from 09.00am.to 16.00pm.
Reservation: Stefan Loeflath, Isoldenstr. 64, D- 80804 München, Deutschland
Fax: +49 (0)89 36102402 
APRIL 12 - 13, 1997 (Lyon / France)
Salle De La Ficelle, Croix Rousse 65, Boulevard des Canuts, Lyon, France.
Metro Henon, Bus Nr.18 and 33.
April 12th, 1997 from 10.00am to 20.00pm.
April 13th, 1997 from 10.00am to 18.00pm. 
Reservation : A.D.E., Mr. J.-P. Oelschlager, 5 Avenue du G.al Brosset,
F-69390 Vourles, France.
Phone: +33 479884601
APRIL 26 - 27, 1997 ( Geneva / Switserland ) 
13th. International Exposition of Entomology of Geneva
Salle du Livron ( 2, rue de Livron ) Meyrin, Genéve
April 26th, 1997 from 14.00pm to 17.30pm.
April 27th, 1997 from 09.00am to 17.00pm.
Reservation: BOURSE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE GENEVE, André Lüthi, P.O. Box 168
CH-1242 Satigny ( Switzerland )
Phone. + 22.782.57.08 or  + 79.204.23 65 , Fax +22.782.57.08
APRIL  27, 1997 ( Liege / Belgium ) 
14. Bourse des insectes 
3 avenue de Lille , B-4020 Liege, Belgique
April 27th, 1997 from 9.00am to 16.00pm.
Reservation :
Phone:+32 414 3433763,+32 414 3412503 French)
,+32 414 3429886,+418 21 714106 (Englisch, German, Dutch)
AUGUST  30, 1997 ( Celle / Germany )
1 Celler Insektenboerse.
Schoetzenheim" Unter Den Eichen" Celle-Neustadter Holz
August 30, 1997 from 10.00am - 18.00pm.
Reservation: Timo Liese, Distelkamp 24, D-29225 Celle, Deutschland
Phone/Fax: +49 5141 45951

SEPTEMBER   6 - 7, 1997 ( Merksem / Belgium )
Rekreatiedomein "Fort Van Merksem" Fortsebaan,
                          B-2160 Merksem-Antwerpen, Belgie.
September 6th. 1997 from 12.00am - 18.00pm meeting Insect-stamps.
September 7th. 1997 from 10.00am - 17.00pm Insect Exposition and exchange.
Reservation Peter De Batist, Helmstraat 146, B-2140 Borgerhout, Belgie.
Phone/Fax +32 3 2710317
SEPTEMBER  6 - 7, 1997 ( Basel / Switserland )
Internationale Insektenborse 1997
Messe Basel, Halle 302
Reservation: A. Schwabe, Postfach 641, CH-4003 Basel, Switserland
or G. Pross, Schwarzwaldstrasse 11, D-73734 Esslingen, Deutschland
Fax: +49 711 3454469
SEPTEMBER  21, 1997 ( Weiden / Germany)
Insektenboerse Weiden 1997
Pfarrheim HERZ JESU, Lerchenfeldstrasse 9, D-92637 Weiden
Sunday 21 September 1997 from 8.30am to 14.30pm. 
Reservation: Manfred Strohle, Jahnstrasse 20, D-92637 Weiden, Deutschland
SEPTEMBER  27 - 28, 1997 ( Charleroi / Belgium )
7e Salon International des collectionneurs - 4e Salon international des plus
beaux Insectes
Palais expo Charleroi
Reservation: PRO Strategik sprl, Rue de la Neuville, 40 - 44, B-6000
Charleroi, Belgique, Tel.: +32 71 333888, Fax: +32 71 3344 66
SEPTEMBER  27 - 28, 1997 ( Juvisy / France )
3rd International Insects Fair.
15' Centrum Paris (RER); Salle de Fetes de Juvisy
>From 9.30am to 19.00pm.
Reservation: AECFT (Patrick Arnaud), 22 Sentier des chevres, F- 91250
Saintry, France, Tel/Fax: + 33 1 60 75 27 86
SEPTEMBER  28, 1997 ( Worfsburg / Germany )
Wolfsburger Insektentag
Congresspark zu Wolfsburg
Sunday 28 September 1997 form 9.00am to 15.00pm.
Reservation: Martin Nowotschyn, Waldpfad 10, D-38446 Wolfsburg, Deutschland.
OCTOBER  4 - 5, 1997  ( Prague / Czech Republik )
Internationale Insektenbörse Prag 1997
Nàrodni dùm - UKDZ, Namesti Miru, No, 9 Praha 2, Czech republik
Metro line A; Station Námestí Míru or Tram Number 4, 6, 16, 22
October 4th, 1997 from 10.00am to 17.00pm.
October 5th, 1997 from 08.00am to 13.00pm.
Reservation: ENTO-TERA,Vladislav Maly & Co.,
P.O. Box 27, 128 00 Praha 2, Czech Republik, Phone +42 2 293674
OCTOBER  5, 1997  ( Seraing / Belgium )
Athenee AIR PUR, rue des Nations Unies 1, B-4100 Seraing, Belgique
October 5th, 1997 from 10.00am until 18.00pm.
Reservation: ORY Albert - Athenee Royal "AIR PUR", rue des Nations Unies 1,
B-4100 Seraing, Belgique, Phone: +32 4 3372115
OCTOBER  19, 1997 ( Nurnberg / Germany )
22 Nurnberger Insektenschau - Kreis Nurnberger Entomologen E.V.
Gemeinschaftshaus Langwasser, Glogauer Strasse 50, D-90473 Nurnberg
October 19 from 8.00am to 15.00pm
Reservation: W. Kostler, Chr.-Wildner-Strasse 31, D-90411 Nurnberg, Deutschland
Phone: +49 911 565497 
OCTOBER  25 - 26, 1997 ( Kloten / Switserland )
2nd Internationale Insektenboerse Zurich-Kloten/Schweiz..
Stadtssall Zurich-Kloten Zentrum Schluefweg
October 25th 1997 from 13.00pm to 18.00pm.
October 26th 1997 from 10.00am to 16.00pm.
Reservation: Bernhard Wenczel, Am Balsberg 11, CH-Zurich-Kloten, Schweiz.
Tel.: +41 1 8030610
NOVEMBER  1 - 2, 1997 ( Frankfurt / Germany )
The 100th  International Exposition of Entomology of Frankfurt / Main.
Boergerhaus Nordweststadt Frankfurt.
Reservation: Einar H.-J. Klein, Giessener Strasse 74A, D-35435 Wettenberg,
Tel.: +49 641 81169


Breeder and collector of native and exotic butterflies
Mario De Cleen
Rupelmondestraat 265
B-9150 Bazel - Belgium
Phone: 32 (0)3 7745517 Phone/Fax: 32 (0)3 7742888
GSM: 32 (0)75 313803
E-mail:  mdecleen at innet.be

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