'Endangered' Luna Moths

Chris Schmidt schmidt at odum.biology.ualberta.ca
Thu Sep 18 20:49:06 EDT 1997

Just wanted to point out that the two Hyalophora which hybridize in Idaho/Montana are actually H. gloveri and H. euryalus. Both are native species.


From: 	Mike[SMTP:mikayak at IX.NETCOM.COM]
Sent: 	Thursday, September 18, 1997 4:42 AM
To: 	Lepidoptera List (LEPS-L)
Subject: 	Re: 'Endangered' Luna Moths

Huh???,  I thought the Ceanothus Silkmoth was Hylophora euryalis.  And,
it wasn't imported, it is a western species.  And, the 2 species DO
occur together with the resulting Natural Hybrids somewhere around

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