Voucher specimens

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Mon Sep 22 07:47:46 EDT 1997

A.P.K.Torry wrote:
> What's the point in stopping people collecting Brazilian butterflies and
> moths while at the same time destroying huge tracts of rain-forest for the
> sake of feeding an over-expanded population.
> Andrew T

It keeps us happy and at each other's throats while our governments 
sell us out for a pot of message.* 
I suspect that our best move is all to join Hans Schnauber's little 
society and put our full weight, whether we're collectors or not, behind 
the drive to save the environment.
Our differences are slight; our common goal is important. And he's 
invited all of us, not just those who agree with him, to join his 
Anne Kilmer
South Florida 
*Oh, all right, a mess of pottage. Biblical bean soup.

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