Phoebis sennae

Pavulaan at Pavulaan at
Tue Sep 23 19:21:09 EDT 1997

A different subject on leps-L (how come we don't get anymore field reports?):

Here in the western suburbs of Washington D.C. we have experienced a
relatively "major" flight of Phoebis sennae, usually only seen here as single
individuals, once or twice a year.  Oddly, on several successive dates, I
sighted one individual each afternoon in my area.  No consistent directional
flight was noted.  Data follows:

9/13/97 - Herndon, VA. (Fairfax Co.):  My daughter accurately described one
on our Red Salvia flowers.
9/14/97 - Herndon: flying north.
9/15/97 - Sterling, VA. (Loudoun Co.): flying south.
9/17/97 - Herndon: flying east.
9/18/97 - Herndon: flying south.
9/19/97 - Herndon: flying west.
9/22/97 - Herndon: flying east.

Has anyone else in the northeast noticed any movement of P. sennae?

Harry Pavulaan
Herndon, VA.

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