interstate shipments

TIMJCATHYM timjcathym at
Mon Sep 29 22:55:37 EDT 1997

To clear up Paul's statement just a little, The USDA under the Plant Pest
Act only has authority to regulate the interstate and international
transport of "Plant Pests".  This has been debated much recently on what
species are actually included  but it certainly includes all species of
insects that eat plants.  Contrary to some opinions expressed to this
group, this is a lessoning of interpetation of the regulation in the last
few years. When first enacted the USDA would issue permits for any
acceptable species of insect.  Now if you apply for a permit to transport
an insect that is not a plant pest, you will get a letter that states the
insect species in not regulated by USDA.  Also contrary to other
mis-information the USDA does not charge any fee for this permit. nor does
any state Department of Agriculture.


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