Ecological simulation program

Jason J. Dombroskie jason at
Wed Apr 1 21:54:24 EST 1998

Hi lep listers!

In my grade 13 computer class I will be writing and compiling a program
that will be able to take a database of plants, in which townships they
can be found in Renfrew County (Ontario, Canada), and their general
abundance, and be able to take a species of lep with its foodplants and
calculate where it would occur, and its relative abundance.  I realize
this is a VERY complex thing trying to imitate nature, but Im going to
tackle it anyways.  If I have the time, I will also consider other
factors such as climate, geography, habitat, urbanization, and
competition.  What I am wondering is if I am missing some key points
that determine where a butterfly can be found.  Any input would be much
appreciated.  Thanx in advance!

Jason J. Dombroskie

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