leps-l & sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera

Andrew Daw andrewd at redac.co.uk
Thu Apr 2 07:51:03 EST 1998

I thought that all messages posted to leps-l were duplicated in
sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera and similarly all messages posted
to sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera were automatically posted to

Has anybody else had replies to questions they have never seen ?

A quick check at:
  http://www.dejanews.com (sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera)    and
  http://www.reference.com (leps-l)
resulted in a completely different set of messages for the last few weeks.

e.g.  1998/03/19 : Butterflies and crocodiles (sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera)

Having only access to leps-l I never received this message.

* Redac Systems Ltd            email:  andrewd at redac.co.uk        *
* 1500 Aztec West              web  :  http://www.redac.co.uk     *
* Almondsbury , Bristol BS32 4RF                                  *

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