
jhimmel at jhimmel at
Thu Apr 9 23:01:55 EDT 1998

Hi Mark - 

A little closer to VT... here in CT I've been seeing a good showing of Spring 
Azures (over the past 2 weeks) and Mourning Cloaks(3 weeks), and have heard 
reports of Cabbage Whites, Question Marks, and a Compton's Tortoiseshell.  Your 
butterflies can't be far behind.

best - 

John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT USA
jhimmel at

Mark Walker wrote:
> Hmmmm.  Kenelm's reported butterflies in Alaska.  Runar Krogen's seen them
> in Norway.  And what has been sighted in Vermont, you ask?
> Well, in the memorable words of that infamous arctic adventurer/explorer
> Yukon Cornelius,
> "Nothin!"
> Oh well, just a half dozen weeks to go...
> Mark Walker
> Castleton, VT.
Here in Northwestern North Dakota, I have seen 3 Nymphalis antiopa
(still haven't seen any milberti or Polygonia, though).  The crocuses
are blooming, the grass is greening, and the snow is almost gone. 
Good luck in Vermont - they may appear sooner than you expect.


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