Lack of butterflies

Mark Walker mwalker at
Wed Aug 5 10:10:41 EDT 1998

The situation is similar here in Vermont.  I've noticed almost all of the
summer species emerging on time, but all are fewer in numbers.
Interestingly, there seems to be an increase in the number of Baltimore
Checkerspots (Euphydryas phaeton), but that number is still pretty small.
The rain here has been unceasing, with only periodic spurts of sunshine
lasting no more than a day or so.  The Monarch is starting to appear, but
I've only seen 7 or 8 since the thaw (and I've been looking nearly every

I saw a lone Satyrium titus yesterday (July 5), but have seen no other
hairstreaks yet this year.  I'm expecting the situation to change any day
now, but the forecast is uncooperative.  Oh well, it's all very interesting

Mark Walker
Castleton, VT

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