Finding Papilio rutulus Larva

James F Hanlon jfhanlon at
Mon Aug 3 17:39:04 EDT 1998

In pursuit of a Papilio rutulus (Tiger Swallowtail)larva (ova), I think it
would be easiest to capture a female and let her lay the eggs. Are there any
major differences in daily flight behavior between the males and the
females? The rutulus appear to patrol up and down the canyon passes, near
streams and sycamores at about 7 feet to 20 feet high. Is most of this
patrolling type behavior males looking for females? If so, what are the
females doing? Also, is hilltopping primarily male oriented with the group
waiting for that one passing by female?.

What is the main visual distinguishing feature of the female rutulus?

Assuming a female is caught, how should she be handled. Placed in a brown
paper bag for 1 hour? In a cage with sycamore and lights on above?


Jim Hanlon

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