Butterfly abundance

Jim Steffens steffejj at a1.esvax.umc.dupont.com
Tue Aug 4 14:17:29 EDT 1998

Tom Allen <Tallen at mail.dnr.state.wv.us> wrote in article
<199808031314.JAA28474 at gr.its.yale.edu>...
> Earlier there was much concern about the scarcity of butterflies, 
> especially in the East, presumably blamed on the wet weather we had 
> earlier this year.  
This past weekend the numbers of butterflies were finally normal for the
time of year, with several swallowtails on my buddleias at once.  Numbers
of monarchs still seem reduced, and I have yet to find larvae on my
milkweeds.  Hummingbird moths seem especially rare this year so far.  I
have only seen one, and that was a couple weeks ago.

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