yellow jackets (off topic)

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Wed Aug 5 14:50:59 EDT 1998

Well I guess bees have become honorary butterflies.  I've always assumed that 
Yellowjackets were aggressive near the nest.  But maybe I've been near a lot of nests 
without knowing it.  One of the favored nest spots in our yard is in the doors of cars 
(doors that don't get opened very often).  But the only times i have been stung is 
when I am close to the nest (ie. opening the door of a car that had been untouched for 
several months. 
Name: Michael Gochfeld
E-mail: Michael Gochfeld <gochfeld at>
UMDNJ/RWJMS and EOHSI, Piscataway, NJ
Date: 08/05/98
Time: 13:50:59

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