Sphingidae & Saturniidae seen in Arizona

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at u.arizona.edu
Fri Aug 21 12:37:05 EDT 1998

The following large moths were observed at mercury-vapor lights last
night in the Santa Rita  Mountains of South East Arizona.

Sphingidae (Hawkmoths)   -- 13 species

20+   Carolina sphinx (Manduca sexta) 
5     Five-spotted hawkmoth (Manduca quinquemaculata )
30+   Rustic sphinx (Manduca rustica ) 
30+    Muscosa sphinx (Manduca muscosa ) 
10     Florestan sphinx (Manduca florestan )
10     Doll's sphinx (Sphinx dollii ) 
3       Salicet sphinx (Smerinthus saliceti ) 
2     Big poplar sphinx (Pachysphinx occidentalis)
1    Satellite sphinx (Eumorpha satellitia)? 
5     Typhon sphinx (Eumorpha typhon)
3      Achemon sphinx (Eumorpha achemon)
4       Falcon sphinx (Xylophanes falco) 
10    White-lined sphinx (Hyles lineata)

Saturniidae (Silkmoths)  -- 2 species

1    Splendid royal moth (Citheronia splendens) 
10  Hubbard's small silkmoth (Sphingicampa hubbardi)

This was a down night for silkmoths, as two weeks ago at this same
location we also took:
Oslar's eacles (Eacles oslari)
Cecrops eyed silkmoth (Automeris cecrops)
Patagonia eyed silkmoth (Automeris patagoniensis)
Iris eyed silkmoth (Automeris iris)
Oculea silkmoth (Antheraea oculea)
Columbia silkmoth (Hyalophora columbia)

Bruce Walsh
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Arizona
Tucson,  AZ  85721  USA

Office:  520 621-1915
Fax (Departmental)  520 621 9190

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