FS: plates depicting butterflies

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Wed Aug 26 14:05:09 EDT 1998

I agree, as long as they don't start pestering us. Or sending picture
files. The occasional tasteful ad for a pretty plate is no worse than
selling dead bugs. it might be suggested ... nah. a hurricane is enough;
let's not start that again.
Everybody ok out there? Larry Sweeney, you all right?
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

David Albaugh wrote:
> I have to agree with Dave. Considering that there are so few postings
> here of items for sale (and that there are so few butterfly-places to
> just advertise on) I see no problem with someone posting an ad once in
> awhile (provided that this doesn't become an ads-
> only place). As long as we all cooperate with this there should be no
> problem.
> David Albaugh

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