Butterfly Farming in South Florida

SK Khew khewsk at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 29 01:42:44 EDT 1998

Hi butterfly lovers,

Here's a nice lady who needs some help on larval hostplants and 
butterfly farming in South Florida.  Please email her directly if you 
would like to give her some advice.  Thanks.


Dawn Zettle - 08/29/98 00:44:01
My Email:DZettle at aol.com
Hobbies/Interests: Butterfly gardening, photography, painting

I'd like to find a source for more localized information on butterfly 
farming. I live in South Florida and am a newcomer to this fascinating 
hobby. I'd like to learn a lot more about larval plants in my area.
Most sources only list one or two and I'm hungry for a vaster source of 

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